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Showing posts with the label Poverty

Healthy eating getting more expensive, junk food getting cheaper

Healthy eating has emerged as something of a luxury in emerging markets. In contrast, the cost of junk food continues to decrease; encouraging consumers to binge more. According to a recent study, the cost of fruits and vegetables rose by 91% in the last two decades. The cost of processed foods instead fell by a fifth in emerging markets such as Brazil, China, South Korea and Mexico from 1990 to 2012. Lower prices encourage consumers to adopt unhealthy eating habits. Hence, obesity has become the new face of poverty. Conditions such as blood sugar spikes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure as well as bloating are some of the health conditions that result from an unhealthy diet. Is the solution increased subsidies for fresh fruit and vegetables financed by a tax on junk food?

Better healthcare access for the rural poor in India

India is struggling to provide adequate healthcare to its rural citizens. However, necessity spawns innovation. Several Indian hospitals have taken the initiative to work with globally trained specialists to reform existing healthcare approaches. Some Indian hospitals have devised a business model which will enable them to provide world class facilities at affordable rates. The model will enhance revenue generation and hence sustainability in rural hospitals through funds raised from wealthy patients – reducing the burden on the government. According to the Economics of National Security Bureau, the Indian government spends only USD43 on healthcare per person while 70% of healthcare expenses are usually borne by individuals and families. Is India’s Robin Hood healthcare business model set to revolutionize rural healthcare?

Indonesia: Demand for Branchless and Mobile Banking services emerges among MSEs

Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia make up much of the nation’s economic and employment activity. MSEs constitute 98% of all businesses and provide 94% of employment. To explore the market potential of this ‘unbanked’ segment, Spire Research and Consulting conducted a study to evaluate potential demand for Mobile Money and Branchless Banking services (MM & BB). The findings of the study were published in a report released by TNP2K, a public-private coalition of Indonesian and international agencies working towards poverty reduction. Spire’s study was conducted across four provinces, namely Bali, South Sulawesi, West Java and South Sumatra. 400 survey interviews with MSE owners and 16 Focus group discussions were conducted in August and September 2013. The findings revealed that MSEs can potentially make use of a number of MM & BB services wherein neither the gender nor the province of the MSE owner would be a hindrance. This is due to the fact that women fo