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Showing posts with the label Artificial Intelligence

Singapore turns 52 – what next for the national brand?

As Singapore turns 52 amidst global and domestic uncertainties, how should it evolve its global brand image? Leon Perera, CEO of Spire Research and Consulting shared his insights in The Business Times – Views from the Top section on 7 August 2017 on the future trajectory of the Singapore brand. Singapore’s brand is synonymous with efficiency, anti-corruption along with an effective civil service. These strengths should be maintained. Perera opined, however, that Singapore needs to develop its global brand to become associated with the opposite category of strengths too – those associated with entrepreneurship, freedom of expression and creativity. In an age of artificial intelligence and perpetual economic disruption, the Singapore of the future will need to groom innovators, knowledge-seekers and artists.

Artificial intelligence makes its mark!

The market for artificial intelligence is growing at a steady clip. The recent acquisition of the artificial intelligence start-up, DeepMind by Google for a reported USD400 million signals the commercial arrival of this technology. Moreover, with the global market for artificial intelligence valued at USD900 million in 2013, and with its proven ability to reduce manual processes, there is a possibility that it may eliminate many U.S. jobs. But if previous waves of technological transformation in human history are anything to go by, the resources this unleashes will go to creating new industries, markets and jobs. Will artificial intelligence put human beings out of work?