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Showing posts with the label India

Demonetization In India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently moved ahead to demonetize high-value currencies in November 2016 in a calculated approach to eradicate black money from the country. INR500 and INR1,000 notes became invalid – these account for 86% of currency in circulation. Amidst the immediate effect on consumption, sectors incurring major setbacks include real estate, construction, jewelry, high-end retail, travel and tourism. However, the long-term economic benefits include higher tax revenues that will create a better business environment with higher transparency and minimized corruption. Banks will see large inflows. Inflation may trend lower leading to drop in interest rates. Are there unforeseen ramifications of demonetization in India?

India’s new CSR law – Will mandating corporate charity work?

With the implementation of the Companies Act 2013 earlier this year, the Indian government has made history by requiring eligible Indian businesses to “turn CSR from voluntary activities to mandated responsibilities”. Will this succeed in boosting the non-profit sector without hobbling economic competitiveness? And will it set an example for the world to follow? CSR in India The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) came into common usage in the early 1970s. The 20th century witnessed a shift in focus of global CSR from traditional philanthropy – giving out donations – towards more direct and sustained engagement by business in both broad-based and cause-specific interventions. In India, CSR has traditionally been an activity that was performed in a perfunctory manner, but not deliberated. Although India’s CSR still remains within the philanthropic space, its focus has shifted to institutional building (educational, research and cultural) with the aim of lifting communi

Joint seminar held by Spire and YBC on India’s business landscape in 2017

On 15 June, Spire and Yamada Business Consulting (YBC) jointly held a seminar at The Japanese Association in Singapore to give insights on emerging trends for India’s economy. The seminar aimed to raise understanding of market opportunities in light of events such as the roll-out of GST in India and President Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S elections. Yasuyuki (Luke) Kita, General Manager at Yamada Business Consulting Singapore, addressed the session to discuss current business trends in India in light of developments such as Trump’s victory in the U.S. election. Kita-san highlighted the impact on India’s economy of the recent Rupee demonetization of high-value currency notes, the introduction of a single Goods and Services Tax (GST) along with the Make In India initiative launched by the government to attract more investors. He also highlighted the Digital India Program, which aims to transform the nation into a digitally empowered society, nurturing startups and c

Painting with pollutants

Can you imagine using paint made from recycled air pollutants? A novel concept from India-based Anirudh Sharma’s Graviky Labs in 2013, Air Ink uses polluted air to create paint and ink. Their first line of products includes spray paints, oil-based paints and even pens where pigments were extracted from carbon soot taken from chimneys and exhaust pipes. A recent partnership with Tiger Beer resulted in the product being tested by local artists in Hong Kong. These artists were invited to use the ink in Hong Kong’s Sheung Wan district to paint murals. Considering the fact that Delhi is one of the world’s most polluted cities – rated as having the most polluted air in 2014 by the World Health Organization – this revolutionary concept could help find a silver lining amidst the smog. Can air pollutants be recycled into raw materials for paint?

India’s aviation industry takes off

India’s aviation industry is set for rapid growth. With an estimated 60 million international passengers by 2017, it boasts of hosting 85 international airlines across 40 countries (as of 2016). The transformation did not happen overnight – it was 20 years in the making. India’s civil aviation market is currently the ninth largest in the world. Growth factors responsible include the rising middle-income population, successful completion of five international airports under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, increased liberalization with the introduction of the Open Sky Policy in 2015 as well as the modernization of India’s Air and Navigation Systems. However, with more low-cost airlines entering India’s market since the liberation of policies in 1994, the competition is bound to heat up. Moreover, the sector is vulnerable to security threats such as terrorism. The government needs to implement policies to ensure the safety of our skies as well as offer competit

Spire engaged as Knowledge Partner for Global Summit on cryptocurrency in India

Spire Research and Consulting was honored to be appointed as the Official Knowledge Partner at the Global Summit on Bitcoin & Blockchain: The State of Cryptocurrency – Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Economy – organized by the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). The summit was held on 3 March 2017 in New Delhi. It aimed to discuss the challenges and opportunities posed by the new technology. Yap Far Loon, Business Development Director, Telecommunications of Spire Research and Consulting, was honored to be a guest speaker at this event. He highlighted key facts about the Bitcoin & Blockchain ecosystem in India and other countries, focusing on market acceptance of cryptocurrency, security risks and regulatory issues. Following last year’s demonetization move by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the government is not in favor of legitimizing Bitcoin as legal tender. However, a few industry players are working on Distributed Ledger T

Spire and YBC host breakfast seminar on the impact of demonetization in India

On 20 January, Spire and Yamada Business Consulting (YBC) jointly held a breakfast seminar in Singapore to explore the impact on India’s economy of the recent Rupee demonetization of high-value currency notes. Leon Perera, Chief Executive Officer of Spire Research and Consulting, Japnit Singh, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Spire and Yasuyuki (Luke) Kita, General Manager of YBC (Singapore), addressed the session. Spire Singapore and YBC discussed the demonetization’s impact on different industry sectors, on e-commerce and on the outlook for doing business in India in 2017. The speakers talked about how demonetisation will spur growth in cashless transactions. Although the retail and car resale sector will suffer short-term damage, there is a visible shift towards modern trade and online transactions. Moreover, ease of doing business and transparency will rise, making India more investment-friendly.

Google’s Project Loon balloons to provide internet in India

Can a network of floating balloons offer internet services? It seems to be a scene right from a science-fiction movie. Tech giant Google has launched a network of balloons that travel 20 km above ground level to deliver signals using LTE technology making the internet available at 4G speeds even in rural areas. First launched in New Zealand in 2015, the balloons later made their way to Brazil, Australia and recently Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The Indian government is still apprehensive about this technology, in the face of claims that it could lead to technical glitches due to interference with cellular transmission. Nonetheless, the government is yet to come back with a conclusive response. Will balloons bring the internet to every square inch of the world’s second most populous country?