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Showing posts with the label Tiger Beer

Painting with pollutants

Can you imagine using paint made from recycled air pollutants? A novel concept from India-based Anirudh Sharma’s Graviky Labs in 2013, Air Ink uses polluted air to create paint and ink. Their first line of products includes spray paints, oil-based paints and even pens where pigments were extracted from carbon soot taken from chimneys and exhaust pipes. A recent partnership with Tiger Beer resulted in the product being tested by local artists in Hong Kong. These artists were invited to use the ink in Hong Kong’s Sheung Wan district to paint murals. Considering the fact that Delhi is one of the world’s most polluted cities – rated as having the most polluted air in 2014 by the World Health Organization – this revolutionary concept could help find a silver lining amidst the smog. Can air pollutants be recycled into raw materials for paint?

Asian consumers embrace local brands

With growing regional integration and rising incomes, more Asian consumers are choosing Asian brands against foreign brands. Xiaomi, an Asian brand, outsold Apple in China in 2014 for the first time. Brunei based brand – Brunei Halal – recently opened stores in Malaysia targeting its Muslim population. The Indian government’s knowledge website initiative – known as Vikaspedia and offering content in 22 different local languages – is gaining ground. Taobao, Air Asia, Alipay, Huawei, Siam Cement, San Miguel, Tiger Beer and Indofood are other Asian brands that are on the march. They all hail from countries other than Japan, Korea and Taiwan, the traditional sources of Asian brands. Will more Asian brands take the leap to become global brands as the top Japanese and Korean brands have become?