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Showing posts with the label NGO

India’s new CSR law – Will mandating corporate charity work?

With the implementation of the Companies Act 2013 earlier this year, the Indian government has made history by requiring eligible Indian businesses to “turn CSR from voluntary activities to mandated responsibilities”. Will this succeed in boosting the non-profit sector without hobbling economic competitiveness? And will it set an example for the world to follow? CSR in India The term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) came into common usage in the early 1970s. The 20th century witnessed a shift in focus of global CSR from traditional philanthropy – giving out donations – towards more direct and sustained engagement by business in both broad-based and cause-specific interventions. In India, CSR has traditionally been an activity that was performed in a perfunctory manner, but not deliberated. Although India’s CSR still remains within the philanthropic space, its focus has shifted to institutional building (educational, research and cultural) with the aim of lifting communi...

Mobile technology – A beacon of hope during natural calamities

Natural calamities and war often cause chaos, where many people become homeless or displaced. That is when people often want to contact their loved ones to tell them they are safe. However at such times, the communications infrastructure often takes a hit. Providing medical aid, food and shelter also becomes difficult for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and aid agencies without proper communications. This is where innovation can play a role. The Vodafone Foundation – the telecom giant’s charity – has developed an instant ‘network mini’ which is an 11kg backpack that contains a 2G mobile network. It offers a 1km coverage radius with a 6-hour battery back-up and a small solar panel. Is mobile technology set to change global disaster relief communications?