Xianjiang Wang Yuan Camel Milk Co Ltd is one of the crucial players responsible for China’s camel milk boom. The company maintains over 20,000 milking camels in Fuhai. No longer just a ship of the desert, the milk of the camel has become sought-after for its perceived medicinal and “beauty” value. Wang Yuan has over 500 outlets across the country, located in every province in China except Tibet. Wang Yuan’s revenues have grown to USD34 million in 2016 – a 15% increase over 2015. The company recently added a USD13 million research and development extension to its factory in Fuhai, and a new factory in Inner Mongolia has kick-started trial operations. Will camel milk production become a viable industry across the globe? https://www.spireresearch.com/newsroom/spirethoughts/chinas-booming-camel-milk-industry/