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Showing posts with the label Brazil

Innovation in agriculture - meeting global food security needs

Humankind’s future ability to feed itself is in jeopardy due to the concurrent degradation of land, water, climate and biodiversity on a global scale. The human population is set to reach 10 billion people by 2050, increasing the global demand for agricultural products by 70 per cent. By 2022, India will surpass China as the most populous country in the world. Will innovation in agriculture be able to feed the global population? The origins of agriculture Agriculture is derived from the late-Latin word Agricultura with ‘agri’ depicting land and ‘cultura’ meaning cultivation. Starting out as hunter-gatherers, humans have gradually learned to settle in fertile places for farming and later, started domesticating animals. The Fertile Crescent of the Middle East, which we now refer to as Egypt, Turkey, Israel and Iraq, is known as the earliest site of farming. While it is not without its detractors, the agricultural revolution has delivered benefits in term...

Prison ankle bracelets are all the rage in Brazil

With about 622,000 inmates, Brazil is home to Latin America’s largest and the world’s fourth largest prison population. Around 32,000 criminals sport one of the many types of ankle bracelets being used. Many others are on a waiting list. The authorities estimate that they can save anywhere from USD12,000 to USD 72,000 a year for every tagged inmate removed from prison. Will ankle bracelets allow more prison inmates to serve their sentences from home?