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Showing posts with the label Farmers

Biodynamic farming in India

India is probably one of the places where the principles of biodynamic farming, which began in Germany over 90 years ago, are still socially accepted and in practice. Biodynamic practices focus on planting and harvesting of crops according to a calendar based on the positions of the moon and stars. This relates well to the popular affinity for astrology in India. SARG Vikas Samiti has been promoting biodynamic agricultural practices in India with an affiliation with over 50,000 farmers. Biodynamic farming practices are being used to salvage damaged soil, with the intended outcome being improved crop yields. Can biodynamic farming practices help resolve Indian farmers’ agriculture woes?

China opts for cloned cow meat

China is set to open a government-sponsored ‘cloning park’ in early 2016, with a goal to produce 100,000 cloned cattle annually. This is because Chinese farmers are not able to meet market demand for beef cattle. Clones ensure a reliable and regular supply. Interestingly, a report highlights the average calorie intake of a person has increased from 1,863 to 3,074 calories – with a major chunk coming from animal calories. China’s meat demand coincides with a tax recommended by U.K. researchers on meat to deal with rising demand along with health and environmental issues that are synonymous with meat consumption and production. Will cloned meat be able to meet rising market demand?