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Showing posts with the label Entrepreneurship

The advent of the internet in Cuba kick starts online start-ups

Internet access among Cuba’s 11.2 million people is growing. Between 2013 and 2015, the share of the Cuban population using the internet jumped from about a quarter to more than 35%. This growing market has drawn the attention of internet giants, such as Airbnb, Netflix and Google. This trend has also fuelled activity among local entrepreneurs, who have launched domestic versions of sites such as the crowd-sourced business directory Yelp. Will Cuba’s internet revolution unleash economic growth?

Singapore needs to harness entrepreneurship and older workers for success in the 21st century

Singapore needs to harness its older workforce and instil confidence in the economy to survive the age of disruption. Can the nation continue to maintain its economic competitiveness? Leon Perera, Chief Executive Officer of Spire Research and Consulting, shared his insights in the Asian version of Japan’s Nikkei newspaper. With one of the worst total fertility rates amongst developed countries worldwide, Singapore needs to utilize the older workforce as a source of economic potential and also stimulate entrepreneurship among Singaporeans of all ages. This can be attained through policies that focus on managing the cost of living and enhancing retirement adequacy. The nation boasts of a good civil service and an efficient infrastructure which needs to be preserved. However, national competitiveness in the 21st century will hinge on innovation and entrepreneurship, arenas where Singapore has thus far been less successful than some other developed countries. There needs to b...

Spire briefs Anderson Junior College students on Halal product market trends

Spire Research and Consulting was honored to be invited as a speaker at Anderson Junior College in Singapore. Spire’s CEO Leon Perera spoke on entrepreneurial opportunities in the global Halal product market, a subject where Spire has published research articles and has been quoted in global media outlets. Leon Perera, Chief Executive Officer of the Spire Research and Consulting, was privileged to give a talk to students organized by the Anderson Junior College’s Malay Language, Literary and Debating Society on 24 March 2017. Perera shared his insights on the size, growth and outlook for the global Halal products market, with a focus on entrepreneurial opportunities for Singapore-based firms. Furthermore, he discussed certification methods used in different countries while also touching on opportunities in non-food Halal categories like skincare and logistics. Finally, he shared his experiences and expertise on entrepreneurship followed by an interactive question an...

Singapore turns 52 – what next for the national brand?

As Singapore turns 52 amidst global and domestic uncertainties, how should it evolve its global brand image? Leon Perera, CEO of Spire Research and Consulting shared his insights in The Business Times – Views from the Top section on 7 August 2017 on the future trajectory of the Singapore brand. Singapore’s brand is synonymous with efficiency, anti-corruption along with an effective civil service. These strengths should be maintained. Perera opined, however, that Singapore needs to develop its global brand to become associated with the opposite category of strengths too – those associated with entrepreneurship, freedom of expression and creativity. In an age of artificial intelligence and perpetual economic disruption, the Singapore of the future will need to groom innovators, knowledge-seekers and artists.

Spire Malaysia invited as guest panellist to assess students at Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School

Spire Malaysia was invited to Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School – one of Malaysia’s leading technical universities – as a guest panellist to evaluate a social entrepreneurship pitching session by students held on 8 December. Yap Far Loon, Business Development Director, Telecommunications of Spire Research and Consulting attended the session. Spire Malaysia had the pleasure to evaluate business pitches by university students based on social entrepreneurship as part of their assessment for this subject. The 10 teams of students studying Bachelors of Business Administration were led by lecturer Muhamed Zulkiflee Osman. As a guest panellist, Far Loon shared his views on this sector in the interactive session, so as to give students an opportunity to learn what social entrepreneurship is all about from the industry perspective.