- Saurabh Sharma, Country Manager, Spire Research and Consulting "Customer Experience Management (CEM) is seen as a priority in most service-based businesses, such as companies in telecommunications, financial services and retail industries". According to a research, the global CEM market is expected to grow from USD2.68 billion in 2012 to USD6.61 billion by 2017. Stemming from this prediction, it is vital for companies to recognize the importance of retaining customers through repeat purchases, as this customer segment is too important to be left unattended or left to chance. Nowadays, not only do customers want to enjoy good products and services; they also wish to experience good customer service. Should all these attributes be in place, customers would be more likely to recommend their friends and family the products and services they are satisfied with; leading to increased product and service sale for the companies. As such, companies must...