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Showing posts from January, 2020

Family cafés the answer to Finland’s aging society

Finland’s largest non-profit organization (NPO), Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) dedicated to child and family welfare, run Family café sessions for a nominal fee. Such cafés were established in Sweden in the 1970s and moved to Nordic countries in the early 2000’s. These cafes help combat loneliness and contribute towards the mental health of parents in Finland’s aging society with low fertility rates. Will family cafés promote mental health and family life in Finland’s rapidly aging society? Read more:

Spire talks about ICT strategies at ICT market Movement 2019 in Yogyakarta

On 20th January, Spire was honored to participate in the ICT Market Movement 2019, Strategic Plan 2020 in Yogyakarta. Jeffrey Bahar, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Spire Research and Consulting Group shared his insights on the outlook for the Indonesian ICT sector and the strategies needed to win. Jeffrey discussed strategies for digital transformation, which is a watch-word among most corporates in Indonesia today. Going forward, key areas for ICT players to look at include Big Data, the Internet of Things and smart payment solutions. While cyber security remains a concern, technological advancements are improving the security options and tool-kit available to companies. Read more:

Gazing into the crystal ball for 2020

A new year means hopes for better global economic growth. What lies ahead? Leon Perera, Chief Executive Officer of Spire Research and Consulting, shared his insights in Business Times – Singapore. A return of normalcy for global economic growth is foreseen despite uncertainties for Brexit and the US-China trade war. The RCEP trade agreement further promises a boost to global growth. Leon further pointed out rising tension due to US’s rigid stance against North Korea, China and Iran. Risk of political fragmentation and global trade is likely with countries set to align to either Chinese or the US spheres of influence. However, hopes of a more rational and rule-based governance remain. Read more:

Upskilling workforces for the 4th Industrial Revolution

On average, workers may need 101 days to train for their jobs by 2022. By 2028, USD11 trillion could be added to global GDP if workers are prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s opportunities. But to fully realize these growth opportunities, companies need to invest in life-long employability and address workplace skills gap. How will companies reskill and upskill their workforces for the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Read more:

Asia-Pacific nations poised to sign the world’s largest multi-lateral trade agreement, RCEP, in 2020

After six years of negotiations, more than a dozen countries in the Asia-Pacific are poised to sign the world’s largest trade agreement, known as the Regional Comprehensive Partnership (RCEP), in 2020. This agreement would boost commerce among participating countries by lowering tariffs as well as standardizing customs rules and procedures. The RCEP will widen market access, especially for those countries that do not have existing many bilateral trade agreements in place. Will India pay a price for its decision to stay out of the RCEP? Read more:

Eco-tourism creates ecological and economic benefits

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, one in 10 people are employed in the travel and tourism industry world-wide, making up 10% of the global economy. Nature-based tourism has proved to be lucrative for many countries. Tourism in Africa is predicted to generate more than USD260 billion annually by 2030. Some countries protect endangered species and many acres of nature reserves through tourism. Can nature-based tourism help conserve species on the verge of extinction? Read more: